
Men’s Ministry

The King’s Men Fellowship exists for the purpose of creating
a strong bond of fellowship among men.
We focus on encouraging men to assume their God-given role
of leadership in the home, church, and community;
as well as teaching, training, and equipping men to be spiritual leaders.
King’s Men Fellowship strives to promote a strong arm of evangelism in the church.
Cause for Uniting:
We men are on the front line of battle for our wives, children,
churches, communities, nation, and families of other nations and cultures.
Jesus Christ our Commander and Chief is leading us in this fight,
the Holy Ghost is equipping, and our Heavenly Father has the battle ground set.
Our sworn enemy is Satan, not each other.
Our King has commanded us to, “Love each other as He loves us”
[unconditionally – He loves the sinner, not the sin].
This is emphasized agin in the same verse, “that we love one another” [John 13:34].
When men join together under the leadership of our Lord, Satan and his host
do not stand a chance at victory – they are defeated!
We accomplish this by connecting in fellowship an above all, holding each other up in prayer.